For individuals of all ages who want to participate in programs offered by any of our member park districts.
Want to participate in programs offered by your local park district but need support?

Inclusion Services provides that support! With Inclusion Services, WDSRA will work closely with you to determine the right accommodations to make the most of your park district experience.

How To Register

To request inclusion assistance, please indicate that special accommodations are needed on the park district registration form.  In order to secure the appropriate level of support for the optimum inclusion experience, a minimum of two weeks advance notice is requested for inclusion support.

Benefits & Highlights

Everyone benefits from the availability of inclusion services:

  • Ensures that all participants are given the freedom to choose how they want to recreate.
  • Fosters an increased sense of independence in leisure activities.
  • Provides an opportunity for all residents of a community to learn more about each other, to appreciate individual differences and to celebrate diversity.
  • Provides services focused on meeting the needs, interests and abilities of each individual.
  • Enhances the quality of life for all involved in the process.

“One of the boys he made friends with at camp is now in several of Josh’s classes. He is always eager to volunteer to be Josh’s partner because he says Josh is always fun to work with and is always nice to him if he, himself, is struggling.”

– Park District Inclusion Resident

FAQ & Additional Resources

Inclusion Services provide support through accommodations within any program offered by our member park districts. This allows participation with friends, classmates and peers.

Anyone with a special need registering for one of our member park district programs is eligible.

Reasonable accommodations are provided at no cost to you. Simply pay the regular program fees at the time you are registering for the park district program.

It really depends on an individual’s ability level. Accommodations may include: activity modification, disability awareness training, behavior management support, sign language interpreter, observation and evaluation, adaptive equipment, visual systems, or varying levels of staff support.

Contact Us

For more information about inclusion services, please contact a member of the Inclusion Team:

  • For questions regarding Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, Glen Ellyn, Roselle, West Chicago, or Winfield, contact Jenna Johnson, Inclusion Supervisor, at 630-681-0962 ext549 or
  • For questions regarding Naperville programs, contact Alexia Chlibovytsch , Inclusion Supervisor, at 630-681-0962 ext551 or
  • For  questions regarding Wheaton and Warrenville, contact Maddy Manden, Inclusion Manager, at 630-681-0962 ext575 or