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Fall Guide 2023.qxp_Layout 1 7/21/23 7:35 AM Page 17
School’s Day Out
Megan Maulding
Age: 818 years
Fee: $65
Location: ARC Center, West Chicago
Time: 9:00am2:00pm
Dropoff WPDCC: 8:30am/Pickup WPDCC: 2:30pm
Dropoff ARC Center: 9:00am/Pickup ARC Center: 2:00pm
Spend your day off from school by swimming with your
friends. At Fountain View, we will play some pool games and
do some swimming activities. Don’t forget to bring your suit,
towel, and lunch.
Program Code: 34000131
Day: M
Date: 10/9
Holiday Break Camp
Kids Empire Age: 621 years
We are headed to Kids Empire in West Chicago to explore Spend your holiday break with WDSRA! Your camp day will
the floortoceiling climbing walls, play structures, and ball include games, field trips, crafts, music, and more. You will
pits. It will be a great day to play! receive further information and a detailed camp schedule one
Program Code: 34000301 week before the program. You must send a sack lunch each
Day: M day unless otherwise noted. Please note: transportation is
Date: 11/20 provided from WDSRA and Fort Hill. You may also meet onsite
at the ARC Center in West Chicago.
Fee: $180
Bowling Location: ARC West Chicago
On this school day out, join us for a game of bowling with Time: 9:00am2:00pm
friends. Mark your calendars because this school day’s out
with be STRIKING. Dropoff Fort Hill: 8:30am
Program Code: 34000311 Pickup Fort Hill: 2:30pm
Day: TU
Date: 11/21 Dropoff WDSRA: 8:30am
Pickup WDSRA: 2:30pm
Lunch & A Movie
The group will watch a movie and enjoy lunch in the theater. Ages: 612 years Ages: 1321 years
Program Code: 34200002
After the movie, we will return to the ARC for games and Program Code: 34200001
activities. Dates: 12/2612/28 Dates: 12/2612/28
Program Code: 34000321
Day: W Program Code: 34200011 Program Code: 34200012
Date: 11/22 Dates: 1/21/5 Dates: 1/21/5