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Fall Guide 2023.qxp_Layout 1  7/21/23  7:35 AM  Page 9

                                                                              SPECIAL EVENTS

              Saddle Up ­ Megan Maulding                              Bicycle & Paint  ­ Katie Leone               NEW!
              Age: 21 years & older                                   Age: 18 years & older
              Yee­Haw! Join us for dinner and dancing at Saddle Up Saloon.    Have you ever wanted to bicycle and paint at the same time?
              Saddle Up is a country­themed entertainment and sports bar   Well, now you can! We will be going to the Bloomingdale­
              where we will learn how to line dance from the pros! You   Spin Art Nation, where we will get the chance to ride an
              must be at least 21 years old and bring a valid ID.     indoor bike while creating a beautiful masterpiece. Participants
              Fee: $56                                                must fill out a waiver, which will be emailed one week prior.
              Location: Saddle Up Saloon, Naperville                  Please note: wear clothes you can get paint on and wear socks.
              Program Code: 3400004­1
              Day: W                                                  Fee: $60
              Time: 6:00­8:30pm                                       Location: Spin Art Nation Chicago, Bloomingdale
              Date: 9/13                                              Program Code: 3400007­1
                                                                      Day: SA
              Drop­off WPDCC: 5:15pm                                   Time: 2:00­3:30pm
              Pick­up WPDCC: 9:15pm                                   Date: 9/23

              Drop­off Fort Hill: 5:45pm                               Drop­off Fort Hill: 1:15pm
              Pick­up Fort Hill: 8:45pm                               Pick­up Fort Hill: 4:15pm

                                                                      Drop­off Bloomingdale­Spin Art Nation: 2:00pm
              Six Flags Great America ­ Kristen Stepniak
              Age: 18 years & older                                   Pick­up Bloomingdale­Spin Art Nation: 3:30pm
              We are calling all thrill­seekers! It’s time to have the ride of
              your life as we venture through Six Flags Great America
              Theme Park. The program fee includes ticket, parking, and   Shedd Aquarium ­ Kristen Stepniak         NEW!
              the mega meal deal package. The mega­meal deal includes a   Age: 18 years & older
              meal, snack, and drinks at select park locations all day. Meal   Let’s seas the day at the Shedd Aquarium! The group will
              and snack options include chicken tenders, burgers, pizza,   explore the aquatic animal world and have a chance to see
              pretzels, funnel cake, and more! Please note: Participants   dolphins, sharks, turtles, and much more. Lunch will also be
              registered must be able to walk long distances independently   provided at the Aquarium and is included in the program fee.
              and have the ability to go on all rides with the group and staff.   Please bring additional money for extra snacks or souvenirs.
              Remember to dress appropriately for the weather.        Fee: $93
              Fee: $150                                               Location: Shedd Aquarium, Chicago
              Location: Great America, Gurnee                         Program Code: 3400008­1
              Program Code: 3400005­1                                 Day: SU
              Day: SA                                                 Time: 1:00­4:30pm
              Time: 11:00am­6:00pm                                    Date: 9/24
              Date: 9/16

              Drop­off WPDCC: 9:30am                                   Drop­off WPDCC: 11:45am
              Pick­up WPDCC: 7:30pm                                   Pick­up WPDCC: 5:30pm

                                                    REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.WDSRA.COM                                     9
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