Page 18 - Copy of SUMMER CAMP BROCHURE 2024 Final
P. 18

Special Information

    ePACT                                            Out of District Policies
    WDSRA utilizes ePACT to securely collect health  Families living outside a WDSRA Park District
    and emergency contact information for our        member district and belonging to a neighboring
    participants. If you are registering for programs for  SRA are welcome to register in WDSRA programs
    the first time since Fall 2023, you will need to  during the out-of-district registration time frame.
    contact the front office to set up a household   This would apply to NEDSRA, FVSRA, NWSRA,
    account. You then will be invited to enroll and  and SEASPAR residents.
    update your participants information through
    ePACT. Watch your email for the invitation, which  If you live within a community with a Park District
    may take approximately one week. Follow the      that does not belong to a Special Recreation
    prompts to create your account.                  Association a 50% fee will be assessed per
    With ePACT, you only need to complete your child’s  program.
    information once. Then, you must verify that the
    information is correct every year. Need to make a  If you live in a community without a Park District or
    change? You can make changes at any time. We’ll  in an unincorporated area that falls outside of the
    be notified of your updates directly from ePACT.   Park District boundaries, a 50% fee will be
                                                     assessed per program. An example of this would be
                                                     Wayne residents and some parts of West Chicago.
    Say Cheese
    WDSRA staff occasionally takes photographs or    Program Policies
    videos of participants for promoting/advertising our  When arriving at/departing from a program, parents
    programs, services, events, activities, and facilities  are asked to check in with the staff person in charge
    in our brochures, website or social media, and other  of the program before leaving your child. WDSRA
    promotional avenues. By registering for,         staff is not responsible for the supervision of
    participating in, or attending WDSRA programs,   participants who arrive prior to the start of the
    events, or other activities, the participant     program. Also, if a participant is to be picked up by
    (or parent/guardian of a minor participant)      an unfamiliar guardian, neighbor, babysitter, etc. the
    irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by  parents are asked to notify the WDSRA staff
    WDSRA of his or her image (or of his minor       Supervisor in charge of the program prior to the
    child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and  occurrence.
    any other electronic reproductions of such
    programs, events, and activities for any purpose
    without inspection or approval and without
    compensation, rights to royalties or any other
    consideration now and in the future.

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