Page 11 - FY2324AnnualReport
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Full-time staff manage WDSRA’s day-to-day operations. Staff members hold degrees in the areas of therapeutic recreation,
special education, related fields, or have the experience and skills to support our participants and organization.
Emily Ackerman Macey Horbach Maddy Manden Natalie Principe
Mary Beck Lea Jackman Sherry Manschot Heather Richardson
Clare Cerny Jenna Johson Rosa Matos Diane Sabathne
Alexia Chlibovytsch Ann Kennedy Megan Maulding Lisa Santoria
Steve Eckelberry Tammy Kerrins Jorie Meyer Ellie Stefanic
Phil Eide Dan Leahy Kathy Noviskis Kristen Stepniak
Ryan Fleck Curtis Lease Rachel Pavesich Meghan Toliver
Sharon Gedvilas Katie Leone Joy Poling Kari Wiggins
Kristy Henson Katie Lyter Becky Prince Shakyrah Williams
There are thousands of supporters who positively impact WDSRA families with their time, talents and
contributions. They create the solid foundation which makes it possible to bring the WDSRA vision to life
every day.
FY23-24 Gratitude Report | 11