Page 13 - FY2324AnnualReport
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Thank You to Our Fundraising Partners

       Your contributions help sustain in-person programs, virtual programs and inclusion services.

       Because of the labor intensive nature of our programs, the constant fluctuation of part-time staff needs, and the rising
       costs overall, we continually need to bridge the gap between the cost of programming and the support received through
       member district contributions. That gap is filled through the generosity of grantors and donors.
       The WDSRA Foundation assists with scholarships, vehicle purchases, program supplies, inclusion services, special
       projects, and more. Funds are generated through donations, sponsorships, events, appeals, and more. All proceeds
       benefit WDSRA participants and families.

       Possibilities Society Members

       Possibilities Society members make a significant, multiyear commitment over the course of 5 years in support of WDSRA
       participants & families. *Denotes Possibilities Society members.

       WDSRA Scholarship Endowment

       The WDSRA Scholarship Endowment has a fund balance goal of $750,000. Once in place, this fund and the earnings it
       produces, will fulfill our typical annual scholarship need and more in perpetuity. This is a sustainable way to meet the needs
       of current and future participants & families. + Denotes donors who gave to the endowment.

       WDSRA and the WDSRA Foundation thank the following individuals and businesses for their financial support or in-kind
       contributions throughout the fiscal year ending April 30, 2024:

       $50,000 and above                      Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hayden*               Glen Ellyn Infant Welfare Society
       The FJK Private Foundation             Mr. Todd Kirby                        Glen Ellyn Park District
                                              Mr. & Mrs. Micah Korb*                HOTWORX
       $49,900 - $10,000                      Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Marks*               Mr. Nate Iseman
                                              Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Minogue*
                                                                                    JoJo’s Shake Bar
       100 Women Who Care - Medinah+          Raymond C and Linda M Stachowiak           Knights of Columbus #15822
       Chicago Zoological Society/Brookfield Zoo    Foundation                        St. Thomas the Apostle
       First Trust                            Rotary Club of Naperville             Ms. Debra Kretzmann
       FT Cares Foundation                    The Alfred Bersted Foundation         Lavin Companies
       Mr. and Mrs. Scott Harbaugh*           Ms. Mary J. Weirath                   Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Munzing*
       Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club           Wheaton Bank & Trust                  Naperville Rotary Charities
       Itrich Family Foundation, a Donor Advised       Wheaton Park District        NOW Health Group
         Fund of Renaissance Charitable       Wheaton Sport Center                  Mr. & Mrs. David F. Rodemeyer+
       Mr. Paul Jarzombek                                                           Mr. & Mrs. Gary Salo
       Mr. Kevin Lavin*                                                             Mr. Edward Scheer & Ms. Kathryn Clancy
       Scott and Trish Karll Giving Fund*     $4,999 - $2,500                       Mr. & Mrs. Omar Sepulveda
       Wintrust Financial Corp+               Mrs. Gerald Anderson
                                              Mr. & Mrs. Joel Anderson              Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silich
                                              Mr. Kevin Beck*                       Mr. Eric Smith
       $9,999 - $5,000                        Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Bird                  Mr. & Mrs. Joel Spenadel
       100 Women Who Care - St. Charles       Bloomingdale Park District            Mr. & Mrs. Ben Stortz
       Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Anderson              Carol Stream Park District            Mr. & Mrs. Troy Triphahn
       Anonymous                              City of Naperville                    Uncharted Learning
       Mr. & Mrs. Eric Biestek                Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley  Winfield Park District
       Byline Bank                            Cygnet Controls Inc.                  WONC-FM
       DuPage Medical Group Charitable Fund of       Ditch Witch Midwest            W-T Group, LLC
         DuPage Foundation                    DuPage Foundation
       Mr. & Mrs. Lee Fennell*                Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fay                  $2,499 - $1,000
       Mr. & Mrs. David Friedland*            Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fitzgerald+            Mr. & Mrs. Steve Adamjee
       Mr. Robert Gallo                       Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Fleck*              Ancel Glink

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