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Fall Guide 2023.qxp_Layout 1  7/21/23  7:36 AM  Page 23

                                                                 VIRTUAL PROGRAMS

                                                                     Virtual Bingo ­ Megan Maulding
             Virtual Art Expression ­ Katie Leone                    Age: 8 years & older
             Age: 10 years & older                                   B­I­N­G­O! Come play with your friends virtually. WDSRA
             Are you tired of surfing the internet to find art activities you   staff will lead you through this classic favorite. Information
             can do while sitting at home? Look no further. Join WDSRA   will be shared in advance for accessing a printable bingo card
             staff and your friends for a virtual art class! Supplies will be   or creating your own set of cards. Have your bingo markers,
                                                                     cards, and ears ready to hear those numbers!
             everyday items you may have around your house, or get cre­
             ative and use what you have!                            _________________________________________________________
             Fee: $20                                                Fee: $20
             Program Code: 3410000­1                                 Program Code: 3410002­1
             Day: TU                                                 Day: W
             Time: 4:00­5:00pm                                       Time: 6:30­7:30pm
             Dates: 9/19, 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 11/28           Dates: 9/20, 10/4, 10/18, 11/1, 11/15, 11/29
                                                                     Fee: $20
             Virtual Individual Piano & Voice ­ Katie Leone          Program Code: 3410004­1
             Age: 6 years & older                                    Day: TH
             Find your inner maestro and express yourself through music.   Time: 6:30­7:30pm
             Senja Morgan will be teaching piano and voice lessons via   Dates: 9/28, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9, 12/7, 12/14
             Zoom! Those signing up for piano lessons must have a piano
             or keyboard at home, and you do not need a piano for voice
             lessons. The Zoom link will be emailed out before the first   Virtual Karaoke ­ Megan Maulding
             day of class and used every week.                       Age: 16 years & older
             Fee: $175                                               Step up to your virtual stage, turn up that volume, and grab
                                                                     your microphone! Each participant will have their turn in the
             Program Code Time                                       spotlight to sing us their favorite karaoke tunes. At registration,
             3410010­1      9:00­9:30am                              please be prepared to give six songs you will be singing so
             3410010­2      9:30­10:00am                             staff can prepare the playlist. Due to the popularity of this
             3410010­3      10:00­10:30am                            program, please only sign up for ONE day of karaoke to allow
             3410010­4      10:30­11:00am                            everybody to participate.
             3410010­5      11:00­11:30am
             3410010­6      11:30am­12:00pm                          _________________________________________________________
             Day: SA                                                 Fee: $20
             Dates: 9/23­12/9 (no program 11/25)                     Program Code: 3410003­1
                                                                     Day: W
                                                                     Time: 6:30­7:30pm

                                                                     Dates: 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/8, 11/22, 12/6
                   Virtual & Individual lesson                         _________________________________________________________
                       registration are first                        Fee: $20
                                                                     Program Code: 3410005­1
                        come first served.                           Day: TH

                                                                     Time: 6:30­7:30pm
                                                                     Dates: 9/21, 10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 11/30

                                               REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.WDSRA.COM                                        23
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