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Enriching Lives • Connecting Communities • Creating Fun!
FY23-24 in Review
ORGANIZATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS ● Trips returned with a weekend in ● Launched the youth sports program
the Dells, overnight in Chicago, and with basketball, tball, and soccer for
● The Certificate of Achievement for spring break in Mexico ages 7-15
Excellence in Financial Reporting
was awarded by the Government ● The Disability Awareness program ● Synergy Adaptive Athletics joined
Finance Officers Association of was updated to include activities and forces with Lincolnway Special
the United States and Canada for a new guidebook Recreation Association to provide
comprehensive financial reporting ● To improve privacy & security while more competitive opportunities for
● A water main pipe break forced the eliminating paper forms, ePACT was our basketball athletes
temporary closing of the WDSRA implemented with families ● Synergy Adaptive Athletics
office, staff transitioned to a hybrid partnered with the Paralyzed Veterans
remote work setup, ensuring no ATHLETICS HIGHLIGHTS Association Vaughan Chapter to
interruption to programs or services ● Special Olympics athletes provide veterans with opportunities to
competed in 19 regional and state practice and compete in boccia
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS events across 13 sports. Representing REC & ROLL DAY
● Summer Day Camp statistics: 36 teams and 100 individuals entries,
served 81 unique campers with they earned over 145 medals and PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS
126 registrations, offered 6 camps numerous ribbons ● Rec & Roll served 144 unique
consisting of 12 sessions, offered 6 ● WDSRA hosted the first Pickleball participants with 326 registrations
Field Trip Fridays, held at 6 locations, Classic at the Wheaton Sports over 7 locations
included dozens of local locations Center with 30 athletes and 15 ● Rec & Roll Winfield received a grant
visited volunteers for technological upgrades including a
● New programs included: partnering ● Launched the Special Olympics Jr smartboard, laptop, Xbox and more
with Peoples Resource Center for Wildcats program with basketball ● Through the generosity of an Illinois
more Cultural Arts programming, a and soccer for ages 8-15 Department of Human Services grant,
WDSRA Polar Plunge special event, 3 locations received new furniture
and a weekly BUNCO program
Who We Serve
Total individuals served - Regular Programs 1,337
Programs offered in person 754
Programs offered virtually 71
Individual program locations 153
Total individuals served - Inclusion Programs 647
Regular Programs Inclusion Programs
% of Program % of Program
% of Participants % of Participants
Registrations Registrations
Age 0-4 <1% <1% Age 0-4 9% 4%
Age 5-13 11% 4% Age 5-13 81% 86%
Age 14-21 23% 10% Age 14-21 7% 3%
Age 22-40 48% 64% Age 22-40 1% <1%
Age 41-55 10% 14% Age 41-55 <1% <1%
Age 55+ 8% 9% Age 55+ 1% 6%
4 FY23-24 Gratitude Report |